Stay-sane While You Stay-at-home!

schedule for work

Hi all, as you probably know JWP continues to update our protocols as the Coronavirus pandemic develops. I am grateful to be able to work from home at this time but with my kids out of school, kindergarten and 2nd grade, things can become a little hectic at times. I’m sharing a few tips my family has found helpful during this transition. Every family is unique, sharing our individual stay-at-home strategies could really help ease the stress of being cooped up. Please feel free to share below in the comments section!

1. Scheduling: helps keep everyone busy while I am working

2. Ready to eat snacks: I keep a few healthy snack options in a Tupperware in the fridge. This allows my kids to help themselves so I don’t need to stop working. They know they can make any choice out of the Tupperware, I keep oranges, baby carrot bags, string cheese, etc. ready for them.

3. Watch the sea-life at the Monterey Bay Aquarium or simply project it on the tv to calm the household. LINK.

4. Watch the animals live at the San Diego Zoo. LINK

5. Scholastics is offering free lesson plans PreK through 9th Grade. LINK

6. You can still take a walk around your neighborhood with your family and those who you live with, fresh air is important! Add in a game of bingo while you’re out:

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